Thursday, September 19, 2013

Portfolio Review

The Selfie of me at the Portfolio Review on September 19th, 2013. Very proud of the students I enrolled years ago doing their graduation and doing well!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Project 03 -- Realistic Illustration

Here are a few pics for the project. I chose a few different items for this, as I wanted to really challenge myself with my Illustrator skills.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Project 1 Final

Second Week Progress on Project II

Here are the second week thumbnails.
I had to go back to the drawing board, as it were, as the original drawings did not allow me to showcase what I had in mind.

As the target audience is people who are looking to travel, I figured that descriptions of the country itself was not attractive enough. As a traveler myself, I look for visual aids and quick descriptions of neat tourist areas.

Therefore, I had to do some brainstoriming to see how it would work best. In the end, I had the map of Europe in the upper left corner with a description box on the right corner. On the bottom half, there are three pictures with descriptions of the sites themselves.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Here is the cleaned up and finished version of the editorial cartoon for class for 7/22/13

Monday, July 15, 2013

Three Images that I will be using for the editorial illustration in .ai format

Week 2
Concept / Thumbnails
Editorial illustration

The concepts I have included in this blog are for the Naturalization test. This was rather difficult, as I did not want to stumble into the land of profiling and racism, so I had to think on terms of testing and nations. Most of the works that I tried have to do with the classroom, but after a while, I started thinking about monuments to use as people. The final pieces are the ones I going towards with the Statue of Liberty. I especially like the one with the statue of the Motherland and the Buddha.

Week 2 Assignment
Illustrators List

Modern / Contemporary
John Howe --

Jung Park --

Joe Madureira --

Gustave Dore -- Illustrator for works such as Idylls of the King and The Divine Comedy

Sir Peter Bruegal the Elder -- 16th Century artist of works such as The Triumph of Death.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week One Assignment:

Possible Editorial Pieces:


*This is going to be an editorial on the problems with Standardized Testing brought forth by the No Child Left Behind law.


*This article discusses our obsession with celebrities.


*This article discusses obesity as a disease.


* Article discusses how immigrants are doing better on citizenship exams than actual citizens.